When creating an estate plan, there might be people you want to pass wealth to but they’re not in a position to manage their finances. Using a trust could provide a way to leave a vulnerable loved one assets and feel confident they’ll be effectively managed. Trusts aren’t used as commonly as other ways to […]
Category: Blog
5 useful allowances and exemptions that will reset at the end of the tax year
Using allowances and exemptions could reduce your overall tax bill and help you get more out of your money. On 5 April 2025, the current tax year will end, and many tax-efficient allowances and exemptions will reset. So, here are five that you may want to consider using before the 2025/26 tax year starts. 1. […]
The compelling benefits of building a tailored financial plan
While you might have similar goals or circumstances to other people, a financial plan isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, a tailored financial plan that considers your needs and goals could help you get far more out of it. For instance, one goal might be to ensure you’re financially secure in retirement. It’s likely to be […]
Why building emotional resilience could improve your finances
Emotions can affect how you feel about different scenarios and your response to them, including when you’re making financial decisions. Improving your emotional resilience could mean you’re better equipped to handle stressful situations. Read on to discover why and how it might support your financial goals. Emotional resilience simply refers to your ability to adapt […]
Behavioural finance: How established habits and experiences could affect your decisions
When you’re making financial decisions, it can be difficult to look at your options objectively. Indeed, factors like your past experiences and emotions may influence the conclusions you draw. Behavioural finance seeks to understand how people make financial decisions and what factors influence them. Understanding some aspects of this area of study could help you […]
Research: The perils of chasing stock market “winners”
Following the stocks and shares that have experienced impressive returns can seem like fun and a way to make the most out of your investments. Yet, a study indicates that following the crowd and investing in companies that are being hyped in the press or among investors could mean you miss out on growth opportunities […]
Study: Greater freedom means money can buy happiness
A new study has disputed the saying “money can’t buy happiness”. In fact, the research suggests the opposite is true, money can buy happiness, but it isn’t as simple as accumulating as much wealth as possible. According to the Guardian, a study from the University of Pennsylvania found a strong association between money and happiness. […]
Hidden UK gems that offer spectacular summer views
If you’re looking to make the most of the warm weather with a staycation, you might be overwhelmed by the many wonderful places to visit in the UK. Especially as, during the holiday season, popular destinations can be overcrowded with tourists. Read on to discover eight hidden gems that offer spectacular views while beating the […]
Two-thirds of UK adults don’t have a will. Here’s how it could affect your legacy
Failing to set out your wishes in a will could mean your assets aren’t passed on to the loved ones you’d like to benefit from your estate. As a result, this could have a significant effect on your legacy. A will is one of the main ways to ensure your assets are passed on to […]
Could “lifestyle creep” affect your retirement plans?
When you received your last promotion or pay rise, your first instinct might have been to celebrate by splashing out on a new gadget, booking a holiday or allocating more of your money to your disposable income. However, if you overlook reviewing your finances, “lifestyle creep” could affect your ability to reach long-term goals, including […]