How understanding behavioural finance could improve your decisions

A woman talking to a man while drinking tea.

The study of how psychology affects financial behaviours is fascinating. Understanding the basics could improve your relationship with money and how it influences your financial decisions. Behavioural finance looks at how psychological influences and biases affect the behaviour of investors. It aims to understand why people make certain financial choices and the effect it could […]

Guide: 5 insightful lessons you could learn from the world’s most successful investors

Even for professional investors, consistently delivering above-average market returns on investments is challenging. Those who have delivered high returns over a long time frame are remembered among the world’s greatest investors. While you may not have the same resources that a professional investor may have at their disposal, you could learn valuable lessons from their […]

10 surprising benefits of gardening

With summer finally here, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the warmer weather by exploring the great outdoors. Yet, although the 2021 census found that 87% of UK households have a garden, many people overlook the simple joy of spending more time looking after it. As well as allowing you to cultivate a beautiful outdoor […]

Why mental shortcuts could harm your financial decision-making skills

Every day you’ll take mental shortcuts, known as “heuristics”, to help you solve problems quickly. This can be incredibly useful in some circumstances and help you avoid becoming overwhelmed by decisions. Yet, when you’re making large decisions, including how to handle your finances, it could be harmful. Heuristics are necessary for people to navigate their […]

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