10 healthy habits from around the world that could improve your wellbeing 31st August 2022

There are lots of great habits from around the world you can adopt to boost your wellbeing. Even better, some of the most beneficial habits in the world are those that cost little and have been around the longest. Read on to discover 10 tried-and-tested habits from cultures all over the globe that may help […]

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Market volatility can be attention-grabbing, but you should focus on these 3 areas instead

The last couple of years have been challenging for investors. Factors outside of your control are likely to have led to your portfolio experiencing volatility.  However, while market performance often grabs news headlines and your attention, the short-term movements of your portfolio shouldn’t be your main focus.  Market volatility characterised the first half of 2022  […]

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Why saving your pension could reduce a potential Inheritance Tax bill

When you start thinking about how you’ll create an income in retirement, it’s probably your pension that comes to mind. Yet, if your estate could be liable for Inheritance Tax (IHT), it could make sense to use other assets first.  IHT is paid after you pass away if the value of all your assets exceeds […]

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1 in 3 savers worry they’ve “lost” a pension. Here’s how to track them down

It can be easier than you think to lose your retirement savings. In fact, estimates suggest thousands of savers have forgotten about pensions that could support their retirement goals. 31 October marks National Pension Tracing Day, so it’s the perfect time to review your savings and see if you could reclaim lost money. As you […]

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