Research: Money can buy happiness but what you spend it on matters 2nd June 2023

Everyone has heard the saying “money can’t buy happiness”, but research suggests it’s not accurate.  According to a study from The Greater Good Science Center in the US, spending money can boost your wellbeing. However, simply heading to the shop and splurging on the latest technology or new clothes doesn’t yield the same results. Instead, […]

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Planning to downsize? Here are 3 excellent reasons it could make sense

Downsizing your home as you get older is a common step. If it’s something you’ve been thinking about, there are great reasons to take the leap. Yet, research also suggests many people don’t go through with their plans, so being aware of the potential challenges is important too.  According to research from Key, almost 3 […]

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5 compelling non-financial reasons to work with a financial planner now

When you first seek financial advice, your goal may be to grow your wealth or make the most of tax-efficient allowances. A financial planner can provide support in these areas, but the benefits could have a much larger effect on your life and wellbeing.  A survey conducted by Hymans Robertson asked people with more than […]

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4 essential estate planning steps you should take if your family is blended

If you’re part of a blended family, it can make some decisions more complex, especially when you start to consider how to pass on wealth and provide for the people that are important to you. Don’t ignore the potential challenges, as being proactive could improve the financial security of you and your family.  Data from […]

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