Behavioural finance: 6 unexpected ways bias could affect your financial decisions 4th November 2022

How much does bias affect your financial decisions? While you may try to make decisions based on facts, it can be much easier than you think to overlook when your decisions are being influenced by emotions or bias.  Last month, you read about why bias occurs and how it can lead to “irrational” decisions through […]

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Financial wellbeing: 6 ways to help you make better financial decisions 13th October 2022

Humans are hard-wired to make poor financial decisions. It’s just in our DNA. Financial wellbeing is a broad topic, covering all aspects of the relationship between money and our long-term happiness. It covers a wide variety of subjects, including how to manage money better, and how to use money to generate wellbeing. In some ways, […]

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 5 amazing British films to enjoy this winter

With the 2022 British Film Institute (BFI) London Film Festival captivating cinema fans from 5 to 16 October, there’s no better time to look over the best British pictures from the last decade.  From war films to social commentaries, British cinema has provided audiences with some truly memorable films. Now that winter is approaching, the […]

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Rising costs have led to 44% of DIY investors selling shares

Spiralling household expenses have led to some DIY investors selling assets to bridge the gap. Depleting your investment portfolio could help you meet income needs now, but you also need to consider how sustainable it is and whether it’ll affect long-term plans. According to research from EQ, 44% of DIY investors have cashed in investments […]

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